Phase Modulation & Demodulation

Principle of Phase Modulation

In Phase Modulation, the modulating signal is used to vary the phase of the carrier signal.

The instantaneous phase of the carrier signal is given by:

φ(t) = φc + kpm(t)

where φc is the phase of the unmodulated carrier signal, k is the sensitivity of the phase modulator, and pm(t) is the modulating signal.

Expression for Phase Modulation

The Phase Modulation can be mathematically expressed as:

s(t) = Ac cos[2πfct + kpm(t)]

where s(t) is the modulated signal, Ac is the amplitude of the carrier signal, fc is the frequency of the carrier signal, and k is the sensitivity of the phase modulator.


Phase Modulation Equation

φ(t) = φmsin(2πfmt + Kpsin(2πfmt))

Phase Demodulation

Phase Demodulation is the process of recovering the modulating signal from the Phase Modulated signal.

The most commonly used phase demodulation techniques are:

  1. Coherent Detection
  2. Non-Coherent Detection

Demodulation is a process to recover the original signal. It is function at the receiving end. It converts the signal into its original form. Demodulation of PM is also related to the demodulation of FM. Let the output of the FM demodulator be y(t). The modulated signal is directly proportional to the output of the FM demodulator

  • m(t) ∝ y(t)
  • Where, m(t) is the modulated signal
  • m(t) ∝ θ(t)
  • The message is also proportional to the phase angle of the modulating system. It is the condition for the phase modulated signal.
  • y(t) ∝ dθ(t)/dt
  • y(t) = kdθ(t)/dt
  • A constant is always substituted in place of the proportionality symbol. Where, K is the proportionality constant Thus, we get a recovered message signal from the phase modulated input by placing the integrators after the frequency discriminator or frequency demodulators in FM.

    The phase demodulation formula is:

    The formula for phase demodulation is:

    Δθ = arctan Δf fm


    Phase Demodulation Equation

    Vd(t) = 2Kpfmcos(2πfmt) + 2Kpfmcos(2πfmt)sin(2πfmt)

    Phase Deviation Formula

    Δφ = KpAc

    Applications of Phase Modulation

    The applications of Phase Modulation are listed as follows:

    Advantages of Phase Modulation

    The advantages of Phase Modulation are as follows:

    Disadvantages of Phase Modulation

    The disadvantages of Phase Modulation are as follows: